Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Journey Is Ours

Do you know where you're going? I've been asked that more than once when I've gotten behind the wheel.

On Sunday, February 15, folks at UniPlace were invited to join the visioning team of our church on a journey toward transformation. We are asking that question of one another, as a church on the journey.

February 15 I began a sermon series titled "Ours the Journey." I took the title from a hymn in the Chalice Hymnal by the same name. As we seek a clearer picture of what God calls us to do and be in the future, the first verse of that hymn speaks volumes:

In the midst of new dimensions, in the face of changing ways,
who will lead the pilgrim peoples wandering their sep'rate ways?
God of rainbow, fiery pillar, leading where the eagles soar,
we your people, ours the journey now and evermore.

With God's help, this Lenten season of prayerful discernment will help us determine together where God calls us to go next. Join us on the journey!

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