Saturday, March 3, 2012

Signs of Faith

This Sunday's assigned scriptures come from Genesis 17 and Romans 4.  Both passages refer to Abraham's great faith -- faith tied directly to an unwavering belief in the promises of God.  Those promises, for the record, are pretty outlandish.  As a nomad, he is promised a land which will be inherited by his descendants.  As an aged, childless man married to an old sterile woman, he is promised countless descendants.  What about any of that makes sense? 

Many times it is that way for us, though.  In the midst of darkness we are promised light will come; from the depths of despair we are promised something beautiful awaits us when we climb out of this pit; in our poverty we are promised riches; as we are insulted, grief-stricken, and broken we are named "blessed."  It is too simplistic to read this as "pie-in-the-sky-after-you-die" faith.  For both the Apostle Paul reflecting on the life of Abraham in Romans and for Abraham himself as we meet his character in the stories told of him .... the faith which grounds him is not just wishful thinking about his future.  Abraham's faith is witnessed in his present.  Something within him made it possible to live as a possessor of fulfilled promises, joy-filled, confident and yes, blessed, even as an old, wandering childless man.

What will it take for me to be "unwavering concerning the promises of God?" 

Lord, increase my faith!

The video below is a beautiful
rendition of the anthem
our chancel choir will
sing Sunday morning.

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